The Andy Hale Podcast

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Episode 6: False Confessions (and the truth about how a person confesses to a crime they did not commit)

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A common response from those who subscribe to the belief that Chester Weger is guilty is simply: "he confessed...why would an innocent man confess? Surely no innocent person would ever confess to attacking three women and bashing their faces in before dragging them to a cave in the woods."  In 1960 a confession was a one-way ticket to life in prison or the electric chair, and to most people, a false confession was as improbable as the existence of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster. 

But in the six decades that Chester Weger sat behind bars, the concept of the false confession began to make its way into the public consciousness. Patterns began to emerge that created profiles for who was likely to succumb to the pressure of interrogation and falsely confess to a crime. Science and particularly DNA also made it common to disprove people's confessions.  

In this episode, we discuss what makes an innocent person confess to a crime, what factors lead to a person reaching their mental breaking point, and then apply these learnings to Chester's case. Additionally, the team highlights some high-profile cases where average people confessed to gruesome crimes, only to be disproven later by DNA and other evidence. 

A common theme in many people's statements who have falsely confessed is that they had reached their breaking point at that moment but planned to prove their innocence when they got their day in court. 

As we look at the treatment Chester received at the hands of law enforcement, you should ask yourself…would you be able to withstand that same pressure?

There is a lot more to this conversation so make sure you listen to the episode and take a look at the documents and photographs provided and outlined below for more context to the discussion and the case! For our audience without the ability to listen to the audio, check out the full transcript provided!

Referenced Documents in the Episode

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